
@flagsync/node-sdk is meant for multi-user contexts such as API servers, game servers, real-time messaging/chat servers, or AWS lambdas.

  • Compatible with Node.js 16+ and ES5.

  • TypeScript is fully supported.

The API for this SDK is quite similar to the JavaScript SDK, but does not have browser-specific functionality, and is tuned specifically for operation within Node.js environments.

Get your SDK key

To start, you'll first need to locate your SDK key, which is specific to an Environment (e.g. Test, Production, Staging, etc.)

SDK keys are found within your organization's workspace settings.

Your API requests are authenticated using SDK keys. Any request that doesn't include an SDK key will return an error.

Client-side SDK keys are safe to expose, and should be used for client-facing applications such as Web Browsers, whereas server-side SDKs can expose details of your flag rules, such as internal email addresses or user keys, and should never be made public.

Install the library

To connect to FlagSync from code, you'll need to install the SDK.

# npm
npm install @flagsync/node-sdk

# yarn
yarn add @flagsync/node-sdk

# pnpm
pnpm add @flagsync/node-sdk

More to come


Last updated